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Selectmen's Minutes 4/4/05
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, April 4, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel
Mr. Samia reported to the Board that he has appointed an Interim Treasurer/Collector for an undetermined time period; Board has copy of contract and requested that Board confirm his appointment of Diane Lawless as Interim Treasurer/Collector. Noted that he will be requesting the Auditors to perform an audit of the Treasurer/Collectors Office; this is being done as good form for person taking over a position and to allay any public fears relative to this office.
Mr. Walsh stated that Town Administrators job description allows for appointment of this position; felt that it would be best to move forward with an Interim.
Mr. Greene noted that the Board has received a letter from the Assistant Town Treasurer relative to additional duties; felt it was time for Selectmen to look at financial direction; need D.A.’s Office to inform Board of where case is.
Mr. Walsh stated that the Board should not be discussing anything relative to the D.A.’s Office and any case.
Mr. Greene felt that he was not discussing anything more than has been address by the press. Felt that the cost of Interim was not something that he wanted to assume for too long a period.
Mr. Hamilton stated that the Board needs to understand cost associated with Treasurer/Collector’s Office; Interim contract is less that current person’s contract; noted payments being made to current Treasurer/Collector; need someone in the office to handle daily work load.
Mr. Samia cautioned Board that although public is chomping at bit to know details, at this time nothing can be discussed as it would jeopardize any case.
Tim Sands asked Mr. Samia if he was aware of Ms. Lawless’s problem in Taunton and her agreement with the City. Mr. Samia noted that he was aware of the situation.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to confirm the appointment By Town Administrator, George Samia, of Diane Lawless as Interim Treasurer/Collector for the Town of East Bridgewater.
Mr. Samia announced that Ms. Lawless would be starting tomorrow.
Mr. Samia left the meeting at this time.
Leo Hurley and Dana Langston, Habitat for Humanity representatives met with the Board regarding town owned land for donation.
Board explained problems with property on Washington Street, i.e. possible deed restrictions; request by Northville Cemetery Corp for access road.
A discussion was held regarding property off Central Street. Dana explained that they will be discussing this property with the Conservation Commission; noted that there is an Edison easement/power lines on the property.
Board of Selectmen -2- April 4, 2005
Mr. Greene noted that it was hoped that there would be the potential for multiple lots on site.
Dana stated that they would continue to work with the conservation Commission to identify potential properties. Questioned whether the Board had put together an article for the Town Meeting. Mr. Greene noted that articles were due by April 22 and that they would need the description for article.
Board thanked Ms. Langston and Mr. Hurley for their continued efforts to find suitable sites for
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2005 meeting.
m/Walsh, s/Hamilton, for purpose of discussion, move to approve the extension of hours for the Entertainment License for Carmen’s Mexican Restaurant, 34 Bedford Street.
Edward Murphy, owner of Carmen’s, explained that he would like to have small 2 or 3 piece bands, comedians, karaoke, etc. Decided against having teenage bands as it was not advantageous for business. Stated that he has had police detail on crowded nights last year. Noted that Cinco de Mayo usually increases business.
Mr. Greene agreed that it was a good idea to have police detail on crowded evenings, as they are better able to handle any problems with crowd control, etc.
VOTE: Yes – Greene, Hamilton, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing the Plymouth county TRIAD Cooperative Agreement.
Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Greene noted that they would be attending the Wellness and Safety fair and would take part in the signing ceremony.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, for the purpose of discussion, move to approve the following:
(1) (1) That the Town shall issue a bond or bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $400,000 (the “Bonds”) pursuant to Chapters 29C and 111 of the General Laws and a vote of the Town passed October 20, 2003 (Article 30), for a community septic management loan program (the “Project”);
(2) that in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds the Treasurer, or the Assistant Treasurer if the Treasurer is absent pursuant to G.L. c.41, s39A, is authorized to issue an interim loan note or notes (the “Notes”) from time to time in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $400,000;
(3) that each Bond or Note shall be issued as a single registered security, and sold to the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (the “Trust”0 at a price determined pursuant to the Loan Agreement;
(4) that the Treasurer, or the Assistant Treasurer if the Treasurer is absent pursuant to G.L. c.41, s39A, is authorized to determine the date, the form, the maximum interest rate and the principal maturities of each Bond and Note, and to executive a Loan Agreement or Agreements with the Trust with respect to the sale of the Bonds and Notes to be approved by a majority of the Board of Selectmen and the Treasurer (or Assistant Treasurer) and evidenced by their execution of the Bonds or Notes;
Board of Selectmen -3- April 4, 2005
(5) that all action taken to date by the Town and its officers and agents to carry out the Project and its financing, including the execution of any loan agreement by the Treasurer (or Assistant Treasurer), are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and
(6) that the Treasurer, or the Assistant Treasurer if the Treasurer is absent pursuant to G.L. c.41, s39A, and the other appropriate Town officials are each hereby authorized to take any and all actions necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this vote, including execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement or Agreements and the Project Approval Certificate and Regulatory Agreement or Agreements relating to the Project.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to approve the article for rezoning and forward it to the Planning Board for their hearing process.
Cameron West, article presenter, explained the area that he would like to rezone from Industrial to Residential 1 and reasons for the proposal. Board went over map showing area with Mr. West.
VOTE: Yes – Greene, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Pending Issues
1. 1. Civic Leadership – invite participants in to report on seminars after last course.
5. 5. Trash Collection – invite John Haines to May meeting for his update and report
11. 11. Personnel By-Laws update – request Town counsel to submit recommendations
12. 12. Quorum for Town Meetings – request Town counsel for article and discuss at April 11 meeting.
15. 15. Carriage House at 132 Whitman Street; get update on issue
Mr. Walsh requested that Town Counsel prepare a proposed article for Selectmen to review regarding medical insurance for part time and stipend town officials.
Board of Assessors new office hours
Budgets – Board will discuss with Mr. Samia regarding several budgets, which need
additional funds through rest of FY05.
Monday, April 18 – Patriot’s Day – Town Hall closed; Tuesday, April 19 – Town Hall
opened through 8:00 p.m.
Wellness and Safety Fair – Standish Sportsman Club – Weds. April 6
Town elections – Saturday, April 9 – polls open 11:00 a.m. – 7:00p.m.
Mr. Hamilton thanked Dale Julius for the excellent Civil War reenactment and encampment held this past weekend; also for excellent ceremony at town hall.
Mr. Greene stated he is looking into a shadow box type fixture to hang proclamations in at town hall. Checking with SE Regional regarding shop building this.
Mr. Walsh requested that the Town Report be ready for distribution before town meeting this year.
Mr. Walsh announced that the Finance Committee would be meeting on Wednesday this week.
Board of Selectmen -4- April 4, 2005
Mr. Greene announced that SE Regional was holding a dinner on Tuesday evening to honor the football team and present them with their Super Bowl rings.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to close Open Session at 8:30 p.m.
Board of Selectmen